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Board game at the “Mario Tobia” sports stadium. In common the same goal: the playoff dream 


Hosts who return to the field after the rest session, guests come to us from a draw at home with Tivoli Calcio 1919, temporarily taking first place and breaking away from the bianconeri by three lengths.

A first half characterized by the good performance of the two defenses, where the interventions of the two goalkeepers were not even needed, even if it was the Ciociari who went close to scoring several times. At 13 'it is Aquino who splinters the crossbar at the end of an infinite action, kicking from a tight angle. But at 34 'comes the first ring of the Roma Team, with the great twist of Damiani, after collecting a cross in the area, which ends with the ball a breath over the crossbar. At 42 'history repeats itself with a free kick beaten by the specialist Binaco, but it is still the crossbar that denies the guest advantage. First half ending on the result of 0-0, Sora returning to the locker room with some regrets, while the hosts will have to do much more in the second half to try to reopen the championship.


Second half totally different from the first where practically everything happens.

At 15 'the partial changes with the fifth goal of the season by the bomber Damiani, served by a through ball in the area of ​​Tisei, and with a diagonal marks the 1-0. But after only seven minutes comes the guest draw on the developments of a corner kick, comes the header of Mastrantoni left guilty alone by the defense of the W3. At 33 'it is Damiani again to take the team on his shoulders, unmarking himself with a heel strike in midfield, creating numerical superiority and with a perfect combination he goes to Grimaldi who reciprocates with a touch from before, placing the number 9 in the best position and with a left that leaves no way out to Calzetta, bringing his team ahead again. A little later Damiani is still the protagonist but this time in a negative way, with an expulsion for protests, leaving the team outnumbered ten minutes from time. The nightmare of Mr. Manelli becomes reality, and Sora grabs the tie with a beautiful feat on the fly by Chorinho after having collected a rejected by the local defense. At 47 'the Ciociara suicide arrives with a quick free kick, but Chorinho does not mean with a teammate by giving the perfect restart to the W3 finalized by the 02 Moi class giving his teammates the opportunity to dream up to the last breaths the coveted play offs .

Race that comes to an end on the result of 3-2. This match brought out all the strong emotions that football can give. Championship reopened by the W3 Roma Team, and now you can think big, Tivoli permitting


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