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by Martina Palese

Today we are going to deepen an iconic club as the representive of FUT7. ‘Pluto’ Aldair will be brazilian team’s captain

Here is the interview with Hugo Leonardo, president of FUT7.

Where are you from?
We come from Brasil.

How long have you been playing together?
We've known each other for years, but this is the first time we've all played together.

Do you compete in a league in your country? What kind of league?
We don’t compete in a league as the same team. I mean, each player plays for a different professional team in a different categories of futsal and foot7. So we are a Representative.

How did you hear about the Rome International Cup?
We couldn’t miss such an important event. We want to represent our organization in the best way possible and we are glad to announce that our captain will be Pluto Aldair.

What’s your goal for the tournament?
We want to do our best and trying to win the trophy.

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