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by Martina Palese

Comestibles Aurora is the winner of the last edition of Marco Aurelio and comes back in Rome with the aim of winning again

Here is the interview with Jose Enrique, player of the team: 

Where are you from?
We are from Almeria, Spain.

How long have you been playing together?
We have been playing together since 3 years ago when we took part in the first edition of Marco Aurelio Cup.

Do you compete in a league in your country? What kind of league?
We don’t compete in a league as the same team. I mean, each player of Comestibles Aurora plays for a different team in a different categories.

How did you hear about the Rome International Cup?
We participated in the first edition of Marco Aurelio cup because Andrea Liguori (President of SS Lazio C8) tells me about the tournament. So we decided immediately to play there.

What’s your goal for the tournament?
Our first goal for the tournament is having fun together. But of course, we want to win the tournament as we did in the first edition when we beat the SS Lazio C8 at the penalties.

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